The digital 3rd place- [LS11]
Reflecting on Starbucks and Nike's web3 ventures, this post explores the impact on technology adoption and brand DNA alignment.
What’s the reality of it? – [LS8]
Exploring the merging of digital and actual lives, this post prompts reflection on 'reality' directions and brand strategies.
The Great iWall – [LS7]
Unpacking how a top brand uses color psychology in strategy, and the 'bubble war' in Apple's iMessage as a brand gatekeeper.
Why you should care that they don’t need a lawnmower [LS6]
Unraveling a startup myth: true value isn't just in today's features. Highlighting the 'Jobs to be Done' (JTBD) framework.
Why you should care about what shapes your brand [LS5]
Brand archetypes: humanizing brands in an interconnected world. As consumers seek tribal belonging.
Idea Legos- [LS4]
From LEGO to entrepreneurship: the magic of building beyond the blueprint. Compounding existing elements can lead to innovation.
Into the Ether – [LS3]
Ethereum 101: Expanding on Bitcoin's concept, facilitating digital assets and applications via smart contracts.
Lipstick Pig (EXTENDED VERSION) – [LS2]
A 'lipstick on a pig' approach, making superficial changes to a flawed product or business model, typically lead to resource wastage.
Dinosaur – [LS1]
Either disrupt or face disruption. Business plans, unlike produce, can expire without warning, akin to a guerrilla attack.