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the context


WellPal Creative was tasked with a pivotal role in the visual storytelling of "The Hunters," a gripping six-episode Australian TV series that delves into cold case crimes. Our mission under the WellPal Signature Visuals™ solution was not just to create graphics but to craft an immersive visual narrative that aligned seamlessly with the series' evolving script and direction.

Challenge and Innovation:
The project presented a unique challenge: the script was in a constant state of flux, being written and edited concurrently with the filming. This dynamic required our team to be extraordinarily adaptable, designing GFX assets that could evolve in tandem with the series’ narrative twists. The ability to quickly iterate over 100 map versions, utilizing After Effects with GeoLayers, tested our technical prowess and creative resilience.

Our primary responsibility was to set the visual tone through the series’ GFX, including the overall aesthetic, title, and color palette. Initially, the series editors provided only a vague direction for color grading, which we aligned with through strategic design choices.

One of our innovative solutions was the introduction of iPad interactions, allowing hosts to engage interactively with case files, enhancing narrative depth and viewer engagement. Although later scaled back, this feature set a precedent for the user interface style in all subsequent GFX assets.

In addition to over 30 detailed maps, our deliverables encompassed a wide range of background and interactive GFX for studio use. These included time scrolls, site locations, victim cards, suspect profiles, and more, all designed to enrich the narrative without overwhelming it. The motion in the GFX was calibrated to add vitality without dominating the visual field, serving as both narrative enhancers and smooth transitions within the edit.

the foundation

tools used

The backbone of our GFX design was Adobe After Effects, known for its robust capabilities in crafting motion graphics and visual effects. To expedite the rendering process and enhance our workflow, we integrated Final Cut Pro X (FCPX), which is renowned for its faster render times. This combination allowed us to rapidly iterate on assets, ensuring they evolved in sync with the series’ live-scripting process.

Illustrator and Figma:
Static assets were meticulously crafted using Adobe Illustrator, providing the precision needed for intricate designs. Figma played a crucial role, especially in designing the interactive mock UI for the iPad interactions. We developed the UI to such an extent that it mimicked a fully functional application, complete with clickable elements that provided a tactile and interactive experience, mirroring real-world UIs.

Mapbox and GeoLayers 3:
The maps, a central element of the series, were designed using Mapbox enhanced with GeoLayers 3. This combination facilitated detailed, near-street level navigation of the areas covered in the series. The precision and adaptability of these tools were paramount in creating highly accurate and visually engaging maps that were crucial to depicting the geographical contexts of the cold cases.

Our strategic selection of tools—After Effects, Final Cut Pro X, Illustrator, Figma, Mapbox, and GeoLayers 3—was pivotal in crafting the complex visual elements of “The Hunters.” This toolkit not only supported our creative goals but also addressed the logistical challenges of working with an evolving script and production schedule. The successful integration of these tools underscores WellPal Creative’s ability to blend technological proficiency with creative innovation, ensuring that every visual element not only serves the narrative but enhances the viewer’s engagement.

WPC’s work on “The Hunters” exemplifies our capability to remain creatively flexible and responsive under pressure. The evolving nature of the series’ script and production demanded a high level of adaptability. WPC responded by crafting visual assets that could be (relatively) quickly iterated and modified, ensuring they perfectly matched the changing narrative and directorial vision. 

At WPC, we know that good design goes beyond looking ggood—it needs to work seamlessly with the story. In “The Hunters,” we didn’t just make things look pretty; we ensured every visual element served a purpose, integrated as a whole, and complemented the multitude of case jumps within the narrative. Our approach is straightforward: understand the story, and then make it shine visually. 

For “The Hunters,” WPC got hands-on with how both the hosts, as well as viewers interact with the show, integrating crime files directly into iPad interfaces and edits. This wasn’t just about using tech for the sake of it; it was about making the show more interactive and engaging. It’s about breaking down the barrier between the audience and the content, making the investigation come alive. 

the paint
